Time flies! Christmas has come and New year is on the way~. A lot of things happened this year, too. As I have been staying in the tropical island (or maybe getting old), I can not remember the things related with the four seasons here and my memory is getting weak.
A friend of mine told me that she has kept writing blog for her record as she could remember through it what was happened on her. Though I have read my blog, I could not find a special things and I would like to keep some for me.
There were many expatriates left Sri Lanka this year. As always we send them off, it makes me depressed and feel sad though hope their safe journey with plenty of good memories on Sri Lanka. :> Hope we can meet them up somewhere else.
John from Finland has also left for his country. He has visited us from when we were at Excel World. He liked Fresh Tuna so much and enjoyed our food everyday. We were so happy when his family visited our new place together. However this year, they left for their country. One day John dropped by our restaurant and said good-bye.
Photo: for (four ) Tuna Lover (Delivery menu C4)
フィンランドからスリランカに駐在されていたジョンさん。カフェジャパンがExcel Worldのフードコートにあったころからの常連様でした。「フィンランドでは、寿司がとっても高いんだ!特に、マグロが!サーモンは食べ飽きたけど。」と、おっしゃって、毎日、まぐろの寿司を召し上がって下さいました。家族の皆様もお寿司が好きで、現在のレストランに移転した時も、家族で来てくださいました。スリランカで手に入るマグロは、とても新鮮で、美味しいですよね。私もマグロは、生で食べるのが一番好きかも知れません。
まぐろづくし Tuna Lover (宅配メニューC4) です。