Hi everyone, how are you? We are happy to hear from you again after a long Christmas and new year holiday.
These are souvenirs from my Japanese friend. What do you think about it? Can you guess what it is?
This is Green tea for the new year. In the new year, family, relatives and friends visit houses each other and have traditional food, drink and tea, too, in Japan. It maybe not common nowadays, though, we enjoyed a new tea with family, friends, and customers. The package of tea is so beautiful, isn't it? Japanese hand paper and strings were used for. We have a custom to wrap money and gifts this way on occasions both celebrations and funerals and it shows their warmth and greif. When my friend gave it to me, I was happy to feel her warmth, too. It is so cold in Sri Lanka, too. I was looking for my long sleeve-shirts and wearing it. Now I'm enjoying both Sri Lankan black tea and Japanese green tea! Hope my friends visit Sri Lanka some day and enjoy Sri Lankan tasty tea, too!