This is the typical Japanese style of table arrangement. There is a rice bowl on the left hand and a soup cup on the right hand. And in the middle, there are a small pickles' plate and a soyasauce plate. There are chopsticks at the front parallel. Other dishes are center in any size of dishes. We usually prepare several kinds of foods and serve them in the separate dishes, cups, and bowls. I think it is a common style at the restaurants and at home in Japan.
Until I have started the restaurant in Sri Lanka, I have never doubt about the above things though I have realised that foreign customers might have some questions about the foods, table manners and arrangement since those are different from theirs.
One day when I have served chopsticks in front of the guests, they have replaced the chopsticks palewise. It made me realised the difference of the table arrangement and there is the difference even among countries in the east Asia.
And when we eat Sushi and sashimi (raw fish), we don't dip much soya sauce since we know much soya sauce might harm to have excess salt, enjoy foods themselves with less ingredients and we think it is not good to leave much soya sauce in the plate after having foods. Though we usually serve Soya sauce and Wasabi according to Japanese custom and practices on your delivery order, please let us know when you think you need extra wasabi and soya sauce. We will arrange them for you.
Though we have thought the most of customers have known about Japanese foods and visit us and we thought they have already known how to have them, we are delighted as well to hear some customers knew Japanese foods at Cafe Japan.
Cafe Japanをオープンして、外国人のお客様と接して、想定外の質問やリクエストを受けるようになりました。例えば、宗教的なことで、「豚肉は使わないで欲しい」とか、「チキンはハラルですか(そうです。)」とか、「鳥皮は入れないで欲しい(逆に、いっぱい入れて欲しいというリクエストもありますが。)」「チキンの入っていない親子丼を作って欲しい。」などなど。今思い浮かぶのはこれくらいですが、もっと色々あったような気がします。