
the winter solstice 冬至

Long ago,  people were sensitive to the movement of the sun and considered the winter solstice as the day to remove the negative vibes.  At this time, people in Japan take Yuzu (a kind of tangerine fruit) bath in an effort to stay healthy during cold winter and eat pumpkins.  The yellow of Yuzu and pumpkins have been believed as the colour to remove the negative vibes in Japan.   Pumpkins remind you Halloween but for us the cold winter and the winter solstice.
This week,we have to say goodbye to lovely regular customers as they left for their countries.   One is for Singapore and the other is France.  Both enjoyed our foods and we were also happy to meet them. She is an adorable girl and always eat food all taking her time.  He is unique and very smart guy speaking in Japanese though he said he has never been to Japan and enjoyed any kinds of foods.   It was very very sad to say good bye but we are very happy to be able to meet and know both of you!  We won't forget you!


Anonymous said...


Cafe Japan 0777-263564 / 0777-263565 20/23, Fife Road, Colombo 5 said...


Sly pan said...

Whenever I meet a person who is going to Sri Lanka, I try my best to keep saying to him/her being sure to pay visit to Cafe Japan. Wish you will see a lot of people who are quite new to you, in order to compensate your missing friends.

Cafe Japan 0777-263564 / 0777-263565 20/23, Fife Road, Colombo 5 said...

Thank you Sly pan. We are looking forward to meeting new people, too!