When we deliver the food, we use Furoshiki - Japanese traditional wrapping cloth for it. It is just a square cloth but there are many sizes and we can use them depends on the usage. Usually we use it for wrapping a big platter as the paper bags can not cover it. It is washable and clean. We made Cafe Japan Furoshiki for the special new year food 2012.

年末におせち料理を販売したときに、Cafe Japanの風呂敷を作りました!これは、おせち料理を購入して頂いた方にプレゼントしようと思って作ったものです。なんてことはない風呂敷ですが、是非お役立て下さい。
We wrapped Bento but we can wrap any containers by Furoshiki. For
example, we can wrap two bottles in one cloth. Don't you think it is
beautiful to wrap just two bottled water?
How wonderful it is ! Can I buy it as I didn't place an order for Osechi ?
Hi Sly pan. Yes, you can! But we have only a few Furoshiki with us. Do you have chance to use Furoshiki?
I will keep it in my briefcase so that I can use it to wrap something just in case.
Exactly! It is the way to use Furoshiki! It's potable and useful in case.
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