Hi, Everyone! We have reopened the restaurant from today. Thank you for a lot of inquiries during holidays.
1週間のお休みのあと、今日から営業を始めました。お休みの間も、お電話や問い合わせを頂きありがとうございました。また、その間に日本に帰国されたお客様、ご挨拶も出来ずに申し訳ありませんでした。 また、いつか、どこかでお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!
For the operation of the restaurant, we have to renew several licenses and one of them is issued here. This is Urban Development Authority. It is a quite big building and sometimes I'm in lost even I visit there every year. Don't you think the palm trees add very tropical atmosphere?
There is a cafeteria as well. They are serving foods and tea with very low price. I think it is for the officers who work and use every day. You can find interesting and very local foods a lot here. I'm also enjoyed foods here when I visit.
Royal Treatment
8 hours ago