Hi everyone! How are you? We are so happy to have your calls and you asked us how our holidays were. We feel personal warmth a lot. Thank you for asking. We had a good holidays and enjoyed a hotter summer than Sri Lanka in Japan. :>
Thank you for your inquiries during holidays, too. We were happy to hear from you as well as sorry we missed informing you about our holidays. Many customers seemed to worry if Cafe Japan has shut down! Don't worry we are alive and we start the service from today. We are looking forward to seeing you and serving a good food from Cafe Japan!
This is two kinds of Sashimi - Horse-mackerel delicacy. It is called "NAMERO" means in English 'Licking'. This recipe originally comes from Fishermen. It is difficult to eat Sashimi (sliced fish) with soya-sauce (SHOYU) on the deck and they chop mackerel fresh from the sea on the board and eat on the deck. After chopping the mackerel with Miso paste or Soya sauce and some spices, it becomes a little sticky and you can just eat it without any sauce.
The name 'Licking' comes from its taste. It is so tasty as we can not stop licking it. Though usually we eat it with Japanese sake (Rice wine), we had it with white wine since my mother likes white wine. It seems they have a good chemistry, too!

皆様、お久しぶりです!Cafe Japanも夏期休業が終わり、本日から営業始まりました。