Wish you a happy new year! This is a Japanese traditional New year wreath hanging on the entrance door. Calling luck and wishing good relationships and happiness to the guests.

These are Japanese leaks we call Nihon negi. There are several kinds of leaks at the market in Sri Lanka mainly ordinal leaks though round shaped Japanese leaks and thin leaks, too. We can buy sometimes Japanese leaks.
One day, my friend introduced a menu with rice cakes and Japanese leaks with a photo and it attracted me and made me hungry. It made us decide to buy them when we saw Japanese leaks at the market. However, a Japanese who is a professional instructor of agriculture brought us Japanese leaks they grew at a good timing. They were very fresh and beautiful as pictures.
先日、友人のフェイスブックでねぎ餅が紹介されていました。思わず食べたいと思うほど美味しそうな写真で、ちょうど、つきたてのお餅があったので、次回、市場に行ったら、日本ねぎを買おうを思っていました。 すると、スリランカで農業を専門にされている日本人の方が、とても素晴らしい日本ねぎを届けてくださいました。とても立派で美しいのです。
We made Rice cakes with Japanese leaks for our lunch. We say Japanese leaks helped not to have cold during cold winter and eat with wish healthy life at the new year. But sorry that I forgot to take a picture of the food!