Have you ever heard Sri Lanka is called 'Paradise' and 'Heaven' ? The people who have visited Sri Lanka may understand why people call it like them. Sri Lanka is an island surrounded by the sea, there are high mountains and there are varieties of climates in one island. Always tasty bananas are in the garden and people don't know starving with a plenty of fruits and vegetable. When I saw the island from the plane, I thought there is a lot of green and it is so beautiful.
However, people require the diversity in food as well, new vegetable to Sri Lanka is cultivated and imported now. These days, we found very big onions at the market! We have been used to use big onions in Japan but I felt it's very strange and huge after years got used to the Sri Lankan small onions. Above two big onions are new to us and one below is Sri Lankan small onion.
突然ですが、スリランカが「パラダイス」とか「天国」だと言われているのをご存知ですか? スリランカは、島国で、高い山もあり海に囲まれていて、地域によっては、気候が違い色々な作物がとれ、一年中美味しいバナナが育ち、温暖な気候で米の栽培も盛んで、その上質な気候のせいで、飢えのない、緑と水の豊かな国だからかもしれません。私も、飛行機からスリランカの国を見ると、緑が豊かで綺麗だなあと思います。

After I wrote about Karapincha - Curry leaves,
we found its fruits. Can you find them?
I remember that in Sri Lanka we can get any kind of vegetable but gobo root. Can you get gobo yet in Sri Lanka ?
武田さん コロンボも外国人が多いと言うことでしょうかね?小さいのは、確かに調理が面倒ですね。たくさん皮をむかなくてはなりませんね。
Slypan, we can not get any gobo roots in Sri Lanka yet.
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