We make Fish dish using Dried Daikon radish which we introduced you last time. We cooked with Sheer fish. It is very popular fish in Sri Lanka and I like it, too. However, Dried Daikon radish is my favorite and I can not wait to eat!

To cook Dried Daikon radish, we soak it in the water for a while then cut and cook. It was just a small piece of Daikon radish but after a while it becomes the same size as before dried.
Have you heard about Sho-jin Ryori which is Japanese style vegetarian foods served at the Buddhist temples and vegetarian food restaurants. Dried Daikon radish is one of useful materials for vegetarian foods in Japan as the water after we have taken Daikon Radish becomes stock soup for other dishes. As we also serve food for vegetarian customers, we use this stock soup for the other dish vegetarian dish.
I am so impressed that soup stock is kept and utilized for other dishes. I like Sawara Saikyo-zuke.
Luckily a very old shop of saikyo-zuke (establised 2 hundred years ago) is located very close to my apartment in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, and they sell cut-off portion at very reasonable price only in the weekend. I love it.
Hi Slypan! You look enjoying Japanese local foods in deep way! Let us know your life there, too!
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